Impact of Chinese Goods on Indian Market

As today , we know how much Chinese products impact our Indian market. We can see needle to toys, electronic gadgets, plastic items ,Diwali crackers all these types of items we import from china and then all revenues goes to china , not in India .As we compare the price of Chinese goods are 15% to 60% lower than the goods of India.The main point is that the Chinese products are available  in low price which capture the customer mind of our India.There Chinese products are also present in bulk quantity.The Chinese products are export in huge quantity in India  and adversely affecting the market of Indian products. The Chinese products are also affect our export market of our country India.The label of Indian market is replaced by 'Made in China' label both in India as well as we can see in abroad market also.

The main reason for widely used of Chinese products is that they work on the strategy of mass production and mass consumption and the reason for their low cost is the low capital investment and the polices of export in china is better than India.China buy the raw materials from all over the world and gives the finished product in end to the world.China is the second largest exporter in the world after Germany.Chinese goods are relatively cheaper widely available and gives huge profit to the dealers.As our experience we can say that how long we use the Chinese  products.These do not last long for a period of time.The electronic Chinese products are also not come with guarantee or service like facilities.Some manufacturing in India are even importing Chinese goods and selling these under their label.The Indian manufactures are especially importing Chinese products with non-branding electronic products and sell them with warranty and service facilities.

our rate of consuming China products are more comparable to Indian products.So, the revenues goes more to china instead of our country.So the India economy fell down.I order to make our economy strong,we need to consume our Indian products.In addition to that we have to increase export our products and less import the products from China.We need to work on or means to research how we make our products cheaper and widely available.

We must look to reduce the import of Chinese products.Our economy is agriculture based and slowly service sector is also getting into it . Labour force is available in huge number but ways to earn money are reducing.This is happening because of natural resources are reducing which is leading to a significant reduction in agriculture.Poor infrastructure is another problem in India which is adding by the time and cost of production.Government should encourage local small business enterprises to reduce the foreign products in market.

We need to concern on our domestic manufacturers their is dire need to change the polices and add duties.We also need to work on infrastructure and efficient use of energy and natural resources to compete at cost level , quality and quantity.

Do you prefer the use of Chinese products?


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